Purim DIY

3319/3320 / BCE 440/442
Nebuchatnetzar Conquered Yerushalaim
3323 / BCE 437
Yehoyakum Rebelled Against Nebuchatnetzar

Yehoyakum led a rebellion against Nebuchatnetzar for four years which he lost and was killed in. His son 

3327 / BCE 433
King Yechanyah of Yehudah is Taken into Exile
3338 / BCE 422
Beis Hamikdosh Destroyed
Beis Hamikdosh is Destroyed
3389 / BCE 371
Belshatzer Assumes the 70 years have passed.

Belshatzer made a feast celebrating the 70 years being over and him thinking hashem wasn't going to take the yidden out of galus. At the feast hashem killed him. 

3392 / BCE 362
Achashveirosh Becomes King
Achashveirosh Became King
3395 / BCE 365
Achashveirosh Makes a Feast

To celebrate 70 years since King Yachanyah was taken into galus/exile. 

3395 / BCE 365
Vashti is killed

Vashti is killed on Shabbos at the start of the 7 day feast in Shushan for everyone after disobeying Achashveirosh. 

10th of Tevet 3399 / BCE 360
Esther is Taken to Achashveirosh's Chamber

She is crowned as queen. 

Bigsan and Seresh
Bigsan and Seresh Make Plans to Assassinate Achashveirosh

Mordichai overhears and tells esther who tells the king of the plan in his name. It's investigated and shown to be true. The story of Mordichai the Jew is recorded in the book of Persian Chronicles. 

Haman is Promoted

He gets mad that Mordichai won't bow to him with his idols. So he asks the king to let him kill all the jews. 

Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Haman asks Achashveirosh to kill the Jews
Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Pur / Lots
Haman Draws lots and sets the date

They send letters to all the people of shushan to kill the jews on the 13th of Adar that year. 

Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Mordichai Dresses in Sack Cloth and Ashes
Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Esther Agrees to go to the King

If Mordichai and the Jews fast and repent for 3 days and nights. 

14th to the 16th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
3 Days and Nights Fast
Yidden Fast and Repent for 3 days and nights

Mordichai and the Jews fast and repent for 3 days and nights. 

16th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Esther Goes to Achashveirosh
Queen Esther Goes to Achashveirosh

He miraculously shows his scepter and she invites him to the feast for Haman and Achashveirosh.

17th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Haman Makes the Gallows for Mordichai
17th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Achashvierosh Can't Sleep
Achshveirosh Hears the Story of Mordichai

He asks Haman what he should do to someone the king wishes to honor. Haman says all the kings honors he wished he had. Achashveirosh tells him to do them to Mordichai. 

17th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Mordechai Gets Lead by Haman
Mordichai gets dressed royaly and lead by Haman
17th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Esther 2nd Deast
Esther Reveals Haman is trying to kill her people
17th of Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Haman Hanging
Haman is Hung on the Gallows he Built for Mordichai
Nissan 3404 / BCE 357
Mordichai Promoted
Achashveirosh Makes Mordichai 2nd to the King
23 Sivan 3404 / BCE 357
Override Haman
Mordichai Sends out letters overriding Haman's Letters
13 Adar 3405 / BCE 356
Fight Back
Kill All Enemies of the Yidden
14 Adar 3405 / BCE 356
Fight Back in Shushan
Kill All Enemies of the Yidden in Shushan
14 Adar 3405 / BCE 356
Celebration of Purim
15 Adar 3405 / BCE 356
Celebrate Purim in Shushan
Celebration of Purim in Shushan
3408 / BCE 352
2nd Beis HaMikdosh
Construction for the 2nd Beis Hamikdosh Begins