Purim Timeline
The Purim Story
Print a Megillah Esther
Megillah Puzzle
Purim Keyboard Tutorials
Purim Story Audiobook
Purim Information
Purim Questions and Answers
Purim Songbook
Purim Videos
Questions and Answers
Where’s the best place to hear the megillah?
Can you eat before Megillah on Tanis Esther?
When is the earliest you can read megillah?
Do Children need to hear the Megillah?
What if you weren’t able to hear megillah in Shul?
When is the Megillah Read?
Who is obligated to hear the Megillah?
What if you forget to say Al Hanisim on Purim after Modim?
What do we add in Shemonah Esrei and Bentching on Purim?
How is Machtzis Hashekel done today in Shuls?
When do we give the Half Shekel?
Why do we give 3 half Shekels?
How many half-shekels do we Give?
Why do we give a half Shekel?
What is the Order for Purim Maariv Motzie Shabbos?
What’s the order of Mariv for a weeknight Purim?
How should the home be set up for after Maariv and Megillah at Night?
What should you wear on Purim?
What if you forgot about Tannis Esther and ate on Thursday?
What if there is a bris on Thursday Tannis Esther?
What if Tannis Esther is on Shabbos?
What if Purim falls on Sunday?
What if someone can’t handle fasting?
Is this one of the four important fasts?
Why do we fast?
Why do we fast the fast of Esther?
When should you schedule a dispute with someone that doesn’t keep shevah mitzvos?
When is the best time to have a dispute with a non jew that doesn’t keep shevah mitzvos?
What do we have to do in the months of Adar?
Said During Megillah
Megillas Esther and Coloring Book
Purim Songbook
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